Dossier Trace Report

Generated by one of the most current databases available in the industry today, our National Dossier Trace Report includes verification of the subject’s name, aliases, current and former addresses,

Background Plus Trace Report

This report provides the subject’s correct name, AKA’s, current address, former addresses, SSN verification, national bankruptcies, employment history, any real property listed in the subject’s name in the county of residence,

Asset Trace Plus Report

Used primarily for subrogation purposes, this report provides the subject’s correct name, AKA’s, current address, former addresses, SSN verification, national bankruptcies, and any real property listed in the subject’s name in the county of residence. The report also includes a…

Asset Trace Report

Used primarily for subrogation purposes, this report provides the subject’s correct name, AKA’s, current address, former addresses, verification of the Social Security number, national bankruptcies and any real property listed in the subject’s name in the county of residence.