If you handle bodily injury, workers comp, or medical malpractice claims you understand the importance of the relationship between the claimant’s alleged injury and his or her past medical history. Unfortunately, the information you need to properly evaluate your exposure isn’t always voluntarily revealed by the claimant or council.

DataCheck Systems, Inc. is currently offering a cost-effective method of identifying pre-existing injuries on those claims where concealed injury fraud is suspected. Our Hospital Trace Report uncovers prior medical treatment and provides the name of the hospital, address, dates of treatment, and whether ER, Outpatient, or Inpatient treatment. It also offers the following advantages:

  • Our report returns from ten to sixteen hospitals in our search for treatment.
  • We not only search for hospitals in the area of the claimant’s current residence but also for hospitals located near any prior address we develop. Changing doctors or moving from one state or city to another won’t defeat our search.
  • We don’t just supply you with a list of hospitals searched. Our clear and concise Hospital Trace Report includes a separate report that not only verifies the claimant information you supplied but also gives additional information developed during our investigation such as AKAs, SSNs, DOBs, employment history, prior addresses for the last 30 years, and criminal record, if available. This ensures the information in your file is as accurate as possible.
  • Our report reduces the likelihood of a bad faith claims for not thoroughly investigating the claimant’s medical history prior to settlement or litigation.
  • Our Hospital Trace report is a no-find no-fee report. We locate medical treatment or you don’t pay!

    DataCheck Systems offers the highest quality Hospital Trace reports available in the industry today.

For the fourth quarter ending 12/31/2024, our state-of-the-art equipment, specialized databases, and highly trained personnel uncovered hospital treatment on 99 of every 100 Hospital Trace reports received. That’s an incredible 99% hit rate!

Curious to know which report is right for you? Have a look on here…